Wednesday 27 March 2013

Wonderful Wednesday with Mr. Lurgy?!

The last couple of days have been rather yukky to say the least, I have been flat out with flu, which is kinda weird for me as the last three years have been largely devoid of any cold/flu symptoms (snotty nose, sneezing, sore throat, etc). Unfortunately one of the main symptoms of M.E is severe body aches and pains, so I am overly familiar with this one, but not thrown in the same pot as all this snottiness. It's one of the strange mysteries of M.E that your immune system is too low to express itself with symptoms of fighting a cold or flu (or so they say). As far as I understand it the symptoms associated with colds and flu's are basically just an expression that your body is trying to fight off a virus or bug, but when you have M.E your body hasn't got the energy to express this. Offcourse this varies across the board as there are so many varying degrees of the condition. So, really in truth I should be OVERJOYED that my body is finally finding strength to express itself in another way, and I am I am, but just not right now.

If you are a mum you will know that there is very little understanding or sympathy in life when you are ill, so it can be tough going at times with kids jumping on you and wanting everything NOW. Well  today is Wonderful Wednesday with no children for six hours and I made the very most of it. I stayed in bed and enjoyed my own personal snow globe from my window as the snow fluttered down . I did have plans to sew this and do that, but I just couldn't and so offcourse there is that sneaky 'procrastinating' feeling rearing its head again, but for once I am pushing the pillow firmly over it's head - there! I stayed snugged up under the eiderdown and enjoyed cups of tea and even my lunch (naughty naughty). I even managed to do some crochet joining (whoop-whoop) and even managed a quick peak at the new Country Living magazine.

I love this bed!
So that's it from here for today as I am off to loose myself in this delicious Venison and Chestnut casserole made by my wonderful hubby. Oh how blessed I am!


  1. So sorry to hear that you are sick! And your holiday just up ahead. I hope that you will be better soon. The lemon drizzle looks absolutely devine! You are really such a good cook. You put me to shame!

    1. Feeling a bit better now. You should give the lemon drizzle a go, its delish. As for the shame it's the other way round!!xxx
