So a few weeks ago the very lovely Clare from The Summerhouse by the sea nominated me for this very special award, and if I am honest, I was very touched by it all!! This is what she wrote in her post: 'First up we have the lovely Hannapats blog, which is a joy to read, such a positive and fun place to escape to, it's really an inspiration as to how much can be achieved even when you are battling this terrible illness. Plus there are lots of tips and healthy recipes.'
As I have mentioned before it was never really my intention to make this blog about my struggles with Fybromyalgia/ME, but seeing that it is just such a big part of my life, I have found it near impossible to exclude it. You see my first dilemma came about last May when I knew that ME Awareness week was fast approaching and I just knew that I couldn't NOT use my blog as a platform to raise awareness, so I just felt that I had to bite the bullet and get on with it. Don't get me wrong writing this first post was very far from easy and I very nearly didn't post it, but I kept thinking of all the thousands of people affected by this debilitating condition and how people really need to start being a little more aware of this so called 'silent illness'. You can read my first post here. I also included three videos in this post, which might be of interest to some of you and also some information for those looking for some support.
Another M.E post was inspired by one of my bloggy friends, someone I will be nominating today for an award, who shared this video on Facebook and you can read/watch it here. One other post that I know has really helped my Mum and other people to pass on to others asking the dreaded question that is so difficult to answer, 'but what is M.E??', is this 'Sleepydust video' which I shared here. If you haven't already watched it or you don't know much about this condition, then do yourself a favour and watch it to give you a little more insight into this very debilitating condition. After the ice was broken the rest was pretty much history.
I think there are so many wonderful M.E blogs out there and credit goes to those people behind these blogs who keep writing about this day in and day out, it sure takes a great deal of courage, energy and dedication and it offers such a wonderful support to so many sufferers who so desperately need it, so thank you!!
So without further ado, I would like to nominate this award to:
First up is my lovely and gorgeous friend Leisa behind the very chic and stylish blog Vintage Bird Girl. I love everything about Leisa's blog, not only does this girl have the worlds biggest collection of fabulous vintage clothes, but she has oodles of style and what I love most about her is her get up and go and ALWAYS positive outlook on life, regardless of her health. I have become so very fond of her and it feels lovely that we have established a close bond outside of our blogs too, it is just such a shame she lives on the other side of the world. Even though Leisa doesn't write specific ME posts on her blog, she is a very strong advocate for it on Facebook and is clearly very passionate about it too.
Then we have the very lovely Annie from Knitsofacto who admittedly doesn't write specific ME posts, but as a fellow sufferer she has been incredibly supportive of my little space and especially my health.
Rosie from the Old Magnolia Tree - I really enjoy Rosie's blog as it is always such an honest account of life and one would never know that Rosie has been struggling with Fybromyalgia for some time. I love her crochet work too and it has been a gift to meet someone else also battling daily with the challenges that come with living a life with Fybromyalgia.
Then there is also the lovely Sue from Sweetpea Family, whom Clare already nominated.
So for those of you who need to pass it forward, here are all the information that you will need.
Awarded by bloggers, to other bloggers, to acknowledge outstanding endeavour in promoting awareness of Myalgic Enchephalomylitis (ME), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and/or Fibromyalgia (FMS).The blogs receiving the awards do not need to be dedicated solely to ME, CFS or FMS, but they should contain at least one post that has helped to increase awareness.It is hoped that these Awards will increase blog readerships and also encourage networking between ME & CFS & FMS bloggers themselves. No matter the title of our diagnosis, patients of these conditions all suffer from a frustrating state of health that is poorly recognised by most of society.
1, On receiving the ME & CFS & FMS BLOGGER AWARD, you should be directed to a post that describes why you (and others) have been given this award. The page will also include this set of instructions and the two award images.2. Please note, you do not need accept the award. The aim of the awards is about recognition and a bit of fun, NOT extra work! Please do not feel pressured to participate.3. To claim your award: a) Create a new post on your blog, in which you thank the individual who gave you the award (remember to include a link back to their blog). You can then copy the images to your blog post and/or side bar as you wish.
Below is the code for adding the small image as a link in your blog side bar if you wish to do so:<a href=”
” target=”blank”>
< img src=””/>
< /a>
” target=”blank”>
< img src=””/>
< /a>
b) List three to ten blogs that you would like to recommend, giving a brief description of why you think each one is special. A couple of lines is fine, but be sure to include a link to each blog you name (or specific page if you prefer) so that others are encouraged to visit.c) Copy and paste these instructions into your post. Copy from the first *** above, to the last *** below to ensure that every thing is included. (Add the images separately if they don’t copy automatically. Control-Shift-V also removes crazy formatting during pasting if that is a problem.
)d) Alert your chosen blog owners to their awards by making a comment on the most recent post of their blogs. The comment could simply read:
“Congratulations, I have nominated your blog to receive an ME & CFS & FMS BLOGGER AWARD. Please visit <insert link to the post you have just created> to collect your Award”3. Hopefully these awards will spread far and wide. I would love to keep track of where the awards end up, so I would be very grateful if participants would also copy their list of awards into a comment beneath this post:
I hope that collecting all the recommendations in one place will help each of us to find and explore new blogs.
I hope that collecting all the recommendations in one place will help each of us to find and explore new blogs.

Thank you for reading another looooong post, but some things just has to be done! I hope you all have a lovely weekend ahead of you and that you all enjoy a very special Mothering Sunday. What do you have planned?? We are very hopeful for some good weather as this Mamma here just wants to have a picnic, so fingers crossed the sun shines. The rest of the weekend will be spent getting kids to birthday parties (do they ever stop?) and trying to get organised for our little trip 'home' that is SA for those of you who don't know. I haven't been home now for well over five years as my health has not allowed for it since the little 'princess' was born nearly five years ago now, in fact the last time we visited I was 22 weeks pregnant with her. So you can just imagine that we are all just a little giddy with excitement right now and the kids especially so as they will be meeting their cousins for the very first time!!
I do promise to pop back soon as I am really hopeful to share at least one post with you before we jet off. A big welcome to my new followers, it is so lovely that you have decided to stop by here and I am really looking forward to getting to know you a little better.
Wishing you all a very happy and fun weekend.
Warm Wishes