Sunday 24 March 2013

Lemon Drizzle Sunday

Today's been a lovely calm Sunday with some baking, crochet weaving-in-ends (arrghh) and some rest. As a newbie to this world of crocheting, I am still exploring, learning and getting to grips with most things crochet, but  today I started to develop a 'strong' feeling for weaving in ends, and just maybe I am not such a fan of this weaving-in lark. So the way I saw it was that I needed good companions to get me through this process.  The choice: Kosheen  (Resist) and Basement Jaxx (The Singles). Over the years I have become quite a fan of Kosheen, I love her voice and her music. As for Basement Jaxx, I have always loved them, but after seeing them live about 7 years ago, I am an even bigger fan. They are amazing performers and I was blown away by sheer volume of people on stage. This song 'Do your thing' certainly did the trick today, do have a listen.

The soon-to-be picnic blanket is very slowly growing and what better way to test it than with a cup of Rooibos (with almond milk) and yummy lemon drizzle cake (gluten and dairy free). A slice of cake to ease the weaving-in pain.

The kids stepped in the shoes of Mary Berry today and I love how they get stuck in and get messy. Don't you just love the face pulling?! Why do they always do this when you want to take a photo??


Love Es's open mouth as she concentrates to get the flour in, something I still do trying to get mascara on (ha-ha!).

I originally got the recipe from the BBC, but unfortunately I can't find the link, so this is my copy. If this isn't legible enough then let me know as I will be more than happy to type it up for you. I used Pure sunflower spread, 50g Doves gluten free flour and 125g ground almonds. Its a really easy cake to assemble and foolproof.

Hope you've had a wonderful Sunday, what have you been up to?

Hubby has just pulled the scarf I crocheted for Es out of the washing machine (which he apparently didn't notice in the pile) and now my pink alpaca scarf has been FELTED!! Not a happy bunny :-(
The pink one looked like the cream one, hard to believe right? Another thing for the list.....


  1. Sweet photos and treat!! xo heather

  2. what a shame about that scarf! Shame soo much work. Boo-hoo.
