Sunday 3 August 2014

Monthly Mandalong

Helloooo. Well its a good thing I've got this monthly mandalong thingy going on as otherwise I would never get to blogland. Honestly I don't know where the time goes or what I do with it (well I do to some extend), but I never seem to have time to sit down to read blogs or even write to you all. I must confess I do miss reading all your news and staying tuned with all your crafty developments (sorry for being so slack!).  For now though the school holidays are in full swing and it seems I have survived the first week, phew! Only another four and a half to go :-)) she says. We quickly forget just how full on it is having the kids home 24 hours a day! To be honest I am quite enjoying it and we have been super busy, so there's been no time to sit and just be (which I miss!). So without wasting anymore time let me share my recent mandala with you.

As mentioned last month, I agreed to make another Starflower Mandala for Lucy (Attic24) for the Yarndale Festival. At first the idea seemed pretty straightforward especially considering that I had already made one, I mean how hard can it be?! Well my dearies it seems that this girl here grumbled and groused and pulled out row after row, possibly because I was trying to do this on route to Anglesey and back whilst being the co-driver. Is it just me or is being the co-driver harder work than being the driver, especially with non stop demands from the kids at the back? Anyone else have this problem?

So yes for me this gorgeous pattern by the very talented Zelina Olivier does require some attention and its not the kind of project you can work on whilst doing other things (well that was my experience anyway). Once I found a few minutes here and there to do a little uninterrupted crocheting, it was plain sailing. Clearly bad planning on my part, I should have finished it before the schools broke up, lesson learnt (or has it now?!). 

I really loved doing this project in Drops Paris and much prefer the final finish to the Stylecraft Special that I crocheted last month.  I also really love the colours that I used for this starflower. I wanted to have something summery, yes a bit like Ice Cream and I am very happy with the way it turned out. In fact as I was photographing this I found that it perfectly matched our deck chair, so need I say more!

In fact there is a little part of me that doesn't really want to part with this mandala and I have to confess (even if it is through gritted teeth) that I might just have to make another starflower mandala.

So the next Mandala pattern yet again comes from the very talented Zelina Olivier and honestly I am feeling a little exited to start making this pretty daisy in a square mandala. Personally I am already envisaging ticking a few crimbo pressies off the list (ssshhh don't tell anyone!). So for any of you interested in joining in you can find this pattern on the lovely Zelina's blog and you can add the link to next month's link up. 

Photo from Zelina Olivier's blog: Zooty Owl's Crafty Blog

For those of you who have made a mandala this month, you can add it to the link below. Thank you to everyone who has participated to the Monthly Mandalong thus far, it has been fun seeing all your beautiful creations. Honestly I am really enjoying doing this, it is a good way to ensure that I do something different every month and if I am honest also good to be crocheting as I seem to be a little obsessed with sewing right now. Speaking of which, I will pop back before we jet off to show and tell a few sewing makes. For now though, its time to alter a tunic and to prepare the roast dinner for tonight. I hope you all have enjoyed a glorious weekend. Thank you for stopping by!

Warm Wishes


  1. oh so very pretty i love your mandelas, crochet has taken a back seat with me too, maybe its the weather?
    love to you
    bestest daisy j x

  2. I love the colours of your most recent mandala. I think I prefer the Drops Paris over Stylecraft DK, too. Somehow, I am not into crochet right now, probably because I am always busy with knitting socks :) I am planning a leftover blanket though with all the sock yarn I have collected over the years. We have only got 10 days of school holidays left here in Glasgow. Soon, soon, there will be time to take a deep breath and enjoy a few child free minutes. Enjoy your holiday, I hope the weather stays nice for you. Cx

  3. Such a wonderful colour mix, lovely Drops Paris, no wonder you are sad to part with it
    Clare xx

  4. Both colours and mandala are beautiful and it will be a great addition to Yarndale. Don't worry about the blogging thing, it comes and goes for all of us in different ways at different times, and you will come to it again I hope when you have more time after the summer. In the meantime enjoy your family and the good weather and all that it brings - and making another mandala for yourself of course!! xx

  5. It's a lovely mandala, well done you. I'm glad you're having a good summer. CJ xx

  6. You've done a fantastic job with it lovely Hannapat, and the colours are wonderful. I agree with you re the Stylecraft DK; I tried a mandala using it, a few weeks ago now, and found the yarn too soft for such a project - no body to the finished project, although it did (does) look pretty. But Stylecraft is wonderful in blankets :) Your mandalas are biiiiig ones these days, they must take an age to complete but well worth the effort you obviously put into them. I'm glad to hear you're getting into the sewing and am looking forward to your show and tell, and in the meantime enjoy having the kiddywinks at home and have loads of fun! Sending much love, Joy xoxo

  7. It was a labour of love, and patience, but the result is stunning! I think you should indeed make another one - but under quieter circumstances - I bet it will be far easier and more fun! The square one is know I'm envisaging a mandala blanket made with those...Chrissie xxx ps I'm in the same boat with school hols and time and blogging, I'll be as sporadic as you with posting, I think all mums will! But have fun!!!

  8. Beautiful! I love the colours. I always find working in the round needs more attention that regular crochet, but when the FO turns out like this it's definitely work the extra effort :) xx

  9. I laughed at the mention of co drivers .I recently passed my test and have a new car. My hubby has been driving for 24 years and I thought he would be great at helping me however, it has been awful so much so I have had to take more lesson as he has not helped my confidence. My driving instructor said I am so nervous she cant quite believe I am the same person.
    Your mandala is stunning

  10. Your mandalas are so pretty. I love the colors. I think they're a great gift idea!
