Saturday, 18 May 2013

Weekend plans

Thanks for all your very lovely comments on my previous couple of posts, I really appreciate the time you take to read and comment on them, it warms my heart!!

It's strange this blogging lark. When I set out nearly three months ago I didn't expect anything from it other than to create a little platform where I can reboot my brain after three and a half years of zombiness, its amazing how quickly the brain gets lazy! Its been so wonderful to join a lovely little community of fellow bloggers and I want each and everyone of you to know you're LOVELY and that I so enjoy reading your comments and your blogs offcourse!

On Thursday we had a couple of hours of sun and it was lovely to spend some time with Es in the garden, we enjoyed some lunch outside and es had fun looking at all the veg popping up in our little veggie patch.

We are finally seeing some vegetables coming through, well, ok lettuce and onions...

and then we saw Sinbad's , the slinky malinki's, bottom mysteriously sticking out of my flowerbed and on closer inspection he was desperately trying to catch this very sweet baby bird that must have fallen from the nest. We immediately tried to get it in a warm kitchen towel (as suggested) and put it outside in the hope that its Mum would come and get it or feed it. As expected this didn't happen so we tried to give it very small amounts of liquid and then it disappeared, which caused some serious concern for little Es as she was worried that Mr. Fox got it. It is so hard not to intervene with nature and sometimes we just need to allow it to take its course, gulp!


So what's on the drawing board for this weekend: Lots of R&R for me I'm afraid as I need to try and get my body out of this ditch I'm in again (oh the joys of this boom and bust cycle malarkey). There will also be some moments to hopefully crochet a couple more stitches on the border of my blanket, which is nearing the end, yay! We've got a little family project as Josh (age 5) needs to make a island similar to that of Katie Morag's, which will undoubtedly be fun. Then there will be a bit of sewing and hand sewing as I have some homework to finish off for the last day of my five week course on Monday night, but more on that next week. Hopefully there will be some time to read through some of the very lovely More Layer Jelly Charm Quilts book from the library.

Thanks Maria for posting me the lovely Red Dust Road by Jackie Kay, I look forward to reading it.

These are two little door knob covers I made yesterday, and all we need to do now is get some paint on the doors, but that will have to wait quite some time.

Wishing you all a very lovely and happy weekend. What plans do you have??



  1. I'm glad you decided to blog, and I'm glad you're loving it! I'm feeling very guilty that I'm not doing any veg so far as I really enjoyed it last year, just don't seem to have enough energy to stretch that far at the moment! Love your handles! :) x

    1. Thanks lovely Ada. As for veg, yip it does take time and energy, but we only have a small little patch with not much going on, so I am sure (well I hope) we will manage. xo

  2. Sweet photos and love the edging you are doing on your blanket!! Cute knobs!!! Have a great weekend! xo Heather

    1. I feel a bit the same about that edging I have to say lovely Heather. I am looking forward to the end result. Happy weekend to you lovely xo

  3. Nice knobs!
    I hope you have a lovely weekend and catch up on some r&r x

  4. Glad you're bloggin, and glad I've happened along...the photos are beautiful - especially your little chick with the little chick! Let's hope Mama found a way to get it to safety.

    Hope your Sunday is as creative as the rest of your week! Tanya

    1. Thank you lovely Tanya, the feelings mutual my dear!! Yip two cute chicks I have to agree. xoxo

  5. thanks for the thoughtful comments u left on my blog, soooo lovely!its interesting that u are a singer as well, it looks like we have very similar tastes and interests!im glad ur blogging and enjoying it.i started writing my blog a year and a bit ago with no expectations whatsoever, but its been much more fulfilling and rewarding then i ever imagined! mezz

    1. You are so very welcome Mezz. Yes same here, I have been bowled over by the amazing bloggers out there xo

  6. Love the fur vest want one in my size!
    Also the crochet doorknobs!!! Love! X

  7. Hello sweet Hannapat, I am so glad you began your blog! It is wonderful and I enjoy visiting you sweetie! I had deleted mine, but had to restart it, as I have made so many lovely friends over the years, I did not want to lose any, and there are so many lovely new friends to meet, like you! Your photos are gorgeous and your little girl is a sweetheart! So pretty and happy! I love your beautiful garden and the little birdie is very cute. Let's hope its mum recovered him! Your crochet and books look wonderful! I love those door knob covers! So clever of you! I hope you were able to rest and feel much better! I hope you have a wonderful week! Love, Paula xo

    PS~ Thank you so much for your visit and kind words! I am so happy you like Oliver! He was fun to make. You are welcome for the links. I hope you have have a go at making one sweetie! xo

    1. Oh my, I am so pleased you started your blog again, it is such a lovely place to visit. I am so happy that you visit here, thank you and thank you for your lovely comments, youre too sweet. Yes lets hope mummy saved the day!
      As for the bears, I definitely intend to make one, I feel so excited now! xoxo

  8. So glad you are enjoying blogging - I certainly enjoy visiting your lovely little blog. I am absolutely in love with the crochet door knobs you made - they are fantastic!
    M x

  9. I'm also very glad you enjoy blogging. It can be so rewarding and being part of an online community is wonderful. I love your crochet door knobs, they are brilliant! x
