Saturday 3 August 2013

Liebster award nomination

I was so surprised on Sunday when I read the lovely Leanne's blog to learn that she has very kindly nominated me for the Liebster award. I have to confess, that this is all new to me, but as I thoroughly enjoyed learning a little bit more about this lovely lady behind this fab blog, I thought I would succumb to the challenge.


So here goes!

Eleven random facts about myself
1. I talk too much when I am nervous.
2. I generally laugh when people (including me) fall or when little accidents happen (not good I know!)
3. My favourite food is Thai food.
4. Back in the day, I used to sing Opera, something I would love to do again one day.
5. My first language is Afrikaans, which is very similar to Dutch (hence all the grammer & spelling errors plastered all over this blog!)
6. My favourite book is 'To kill a mockingbird' by Harper Lee.
7. I wear orthotics everyday as I broke my ankle in the same place twice, once on a bike when I was 10, and once falling off a sea cliff whilst  rock climbing in Poole, Dorset when I was 27. So wearing dainty and pretty open toe shoes doesn't really happen often.
8. Speaking of shoes, I am most definitely a shoe girl and have quite a few pairs of shoes, very few that see any action today I must add. Today its more my birkenstocks that my feet gravitate to.
9. I had a pretty close encounter with a bear when he woke me up as he brushed past my sleeping bag whilst I was lying sleeping in the open air half way on our way up to the top of Half Dome, Yosemite. Seconds later we learnt that he had stolen a fair bit of food.
10. I am definitely a fabrics lover and would love a room filled from floor to ceiling with shelves filled with fabrics and wool. I will add  here that I feel much the same about books!
11. I absolutely LOVE mountain biking and single tracking, but these days I get my buzz from my crochet hook and sewing machine instead.
Eleven Questions To Answer from Leanne

Are you a morning person?
No, I am most definitely a girl who prefers to burn the midnight oil. I love lying in in the morning and back in the day I used to have more energy as the day went on. These days its early to bed for me and I am still not great in the morning. I have however always enjoyed early mornings whenever we camped or travelled around the world, but I'm not hardwired for it.

What is your favourite fruit?
By a long shot it is a Mango and other tropical fruit. I will add that since being pregnant with Josh I craved gala apples and ever since I get a little anxious if we don't have enough apples in the house as I generally eat around two-four a day, fortunately I am happy to eat Braeburns again.

Are you superstitious?
No, not in any way shape or form!
What is your favourite smell?
This is a tricky question for me as smells form a very important part of my life and memories, so there are many smell that I love and I would class as favourites, but if I had to chose, I would say the start of Spring and the smell of sweetpeas.

Rock chick or hippy chick?
Another tricky one. I definitely started off as a hippy chick when I was young and spent my days dreaming of Jim Morrison (youth hey?!), entranced in the voices of Cat Stevens, Don McClain, Rodriquez (whom has now after all these years jumped to fame with his album 'Searching for Sugar Man', the album known to me as 'Sugar Man' twenty five years ago). Since going to Uni, I certainly discovered the Rock Chick within and that's never gone away. So even though I have fond memories of wearing wide bells and big peace signs whilst listening to The Doors, I love ROCK!!

Do you have any pets?
Yes, we have a Jack Russel called Bryn and a cat called Sinbad and we continue to dream of a few chickens in the backyard.

Where is the furthest from home that you've travelled?
Back in the day when South Africa was home, then the furthest would have been the UK or Thailand, but since living in the UK its definitely California.

Do you read a paper?
I love reading the paper and so enjoy it when I do, but these days, since having the children anyway, that doesn't really happen. My hubby got me a subscription to The Week a few months ago so I can keep track of the news, and although I flick through and read what I can, with little time at my disposal I generally choose to spend my time making things.
What was your favourite TV programme as a child?
In South Africa we had this wonderful programme called 'Liewe Heksie', which translated means 'Lovely Witch' and it was such a sweet programme. A couple of years ago a friend in South Africa kindly sent me the whole series on DVD, so our kids could watch it, but needless to say they didn't understand any of it. Here is a bit more info and here is the link to watch a little if you're interested.

Flora or fauna?
They go hand in hand and for me I love them equally.

What is your favourite Madonna song?
There are quite a few Madonna songs that I love, such as 'Pappa don't preach' and 'Hung up' from Confessions on a dance floor. But lately I can't help myself singing material girl, maybe because I am constantly surrounded by the stuff (:-)).

Now for the eleven questions for the three blogs that I am nominating.

1. If you won the Lottery, what would the first thing be that you buy?
2. What is your favourite band or singer?
3. Are you impulse or do you like routine?
4. What is your favourite item of clothing?
5. What is your favourite holiday destination?
5. What would you prefer, sitting on top of a mountain or sitting on a beach?
6. What is your favourite thing that you have ever made?
7. Do you have a favourite author?
8. What is your earliest childhood memory?
9. What is your favourite movie of all time?
10. Do you have a favourite artist?
11. Who has been your biggest inspiration in your life?

Choosing three blogs to nominate has been tricky as there are so many blogs that I love and bloggers that have been so supportive of my little corner in blogland, but for this award I have nominated:

1. Vintage Bird Girl
2. Chrissie Crafts
3. Dorothy's Room

Hope you have enjoyed it as much as I did and thanks Leanne for the very kind nomination. If you're not familiar with Leanne's blog please pop over to have a look, she is a great writer and wonderful gardener amongst many other talents!

Wishing you all a lovely and cozy weekend.

Warm Wishes


  1. Congrats on your award....well deserved for such a beautiful blog & blogger! Thank you for nominating me. What an honour! I will try to answer the questions soon. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with dicky feet & orthotics! Xx

    1. Thanks Leisa, and the pleasure is all mine! Please to hear you join the wonky feet club xoxo

  2. Congratulations on your award! I enjoyed reading your replies and finding out a little more about you.
    Marianne x

  3. A very well deserved award and lovely to find out some more snippets! I'm with you on laughing inappropriately and its got me into lots of trouble over the years.....but I just can't help it! :) x

    1. Thanks lovely Ada, well at least we can laugh together xoxo

  4. Hi Hannapat thanks again for the nomination - I am overwhelmed - it means so much just to be nominated. I have done everything you have on your post - do I need to do anything else now, notify someone who my nominations are? Have a fabulous weekend Hannapat, lots of love

    1. Youre so welcome lovely Dorothy. Love your post just fab! xo

  5. Congratulations Hannapat - your award is well deserved! I really enjoyed reading through your post and getting to know your lovely self a bit better!
    Joy x

  6. Congratulations my darling girl! You certainly deserve the nomination. Your blog is very interesting and informative. I am just so amazed at your answers to the questions. Bar for the rock chick and where you've travelled, my answers would have been the same. That's scary! Love you and see you soon!

    1. Thanks Ma. Yes can't wait!! Every new day I think I am becoming more and more like you, fortunately that's not a bad thing :-). Love you xoxo

  7. Thank you so much for the nomination! I loved reading more about you - and to see how much more we have in common (including classical singing - I'm a soprano!). I'll answer the q's ASAP, thanks again my lovely! Cx

    1. Well, we learn something new every day. I am soprano too!!:-). You deserve it! xoxo

  8. how lovely to be nominated for that award! I loved reading about you and a learning bit more about ya!!. would love to hear you sing one day!!

    mezz x

    1. Thanks lovely Mezz, who knows maybe one day xoxo

  9. This is great! I love reading people's responses to the questions, it's always nice to know a but more about the person behind the blog. I love thai food and always feel the impulse to laugh when I hear really bad news - it must be a nervous reaction or something. x

  10. Great post! I always have to go and buy more apples is i'm running out too! Heather x
