Wednesday, 23 October 2013

My Pa

Today I just quickly wanted to write a small post about my Pa, 'die man van daai jare' (the man from those years) as I used to call him when I was a little girl and somehow it has gotten stuck and to be honest it seems that I am never, especially now, going to live it down. I am so super proud of him as at the age of 68 he has just passed his test to become a spinning instructor and not just passed, but with flying colours. I reckon cycling is in our genes as both my brother and myself love the sport and even though Pa did it when he was younger he never did it on a professional level, maybe he missed his calling, hindsight is a wonderful thing.

At the age of 60 he got himself a new bike and started to do races, pretty amazing right, well in fact I think it is uber cool! He packed in race after race, quite a few in excess of 100km and he loved it and just wanted more. This all during a time when both Ma and Pa were going through a very stressful phase in their life and after many years of struggling, they finally moved back closer to where I grew up to be with my brother and his family. Unfortunately Pa's job doesn't allow him to do any races now, but instead his new fix has become spinning and so over the last year he has become so popular to take on spinning classes, that they asked him to become a qualified instructor and this week he was awarded his certificate after a gruelling physical and written test. Now if that's not cool enough, he is also busy doing PADI Open Water. Just goes to show it is never too late!


I just wanted to say Pa, I love you and you inspire me. You are amazing!!!!

With all my love


  1. I've just shown my husband this post, as he is mad on cycling. Good on your dad for passing and becoming an instructor. Thank you for the recommendation on the yoga dvd, I am going to check it out. I have inherited my husband's old road bike, so between yoga and getting used to a road bike and saddle, my body is making a few adjustments in a good way. This months mollie makes is actually ok, with a few Christmas decs I would like to make. I can copy you the glove pattern if you don't want to pay a fiver though x

    1. Thanks Andrea, yes I am sure your hubby enjoyed seeing this. I am sure that saddle and yoga mat will bring lots of happy moments for you! xoxo

  2. go dad!!....inspirational!....your kids have an amazing role model right there (other than your beautiful self of course!) can never have too many right?!.....give him a big congrats kiss from me! X

    1. Yes Alison well said, we are all lucky to have such an inspirational figure in our lives. Such a pity they live so far away! xoxo ps he will love the kiss!

  3. Congratulations and very best wishes to your lovely Dad, Hannapat - what huge achievements, you have every right to be proud of him! He looks such a nice man and is obviously full of determination and 'get up and go'! I love the term you use for him 'the man from those years' - such a sweet endearment!
    A beautiful post dedicated to YOUR DAD, lovely Hannapat!
    Love and hugs,
    Joy xoxo

    1. Thanks Joy, oh yes he most certainly is determined and full of life and we all love him for it! Thanks for your sweet comments xoxo

  4. What a very cool dad you have! Congratulations to him. My husband is a very keen cyclist as you probably know and he does spin classes also, especially when he is training for an event. What a lovely post about your lovely dad.
    Marianne x

    1. Thanks Marianne, yes well the two go hand in hand, I use to do both race and spin and have the old tax trainer, which I still have in fact. It all becomes a bit of an obsession, but a very good one. Thanks for your sweet comments xoxo

  5. How wonderful to have a Pa that is so adventurous, & not afraid of trying new things. I hope one day you will be clocking up miles on a bike again. It's bound to happen....I'm sure. Xx

    1. Thanks lovely Leisa, he most certainly isn't afraid of trying new things and I love his love for life and yes my dear that's exactly my aim!! xoxo

  6. You have such an amazing dad, Hannapat! Well done to him! A lovely post as a tribute to him, too.
    Helen x

  7. Wow such an amazing dad!! It just goes to show you that age is all in your head. You are only as old as you feel. I'm not at all surprised that you are so very proud of your dad.
    Rosie xx

    1. Well yes, but you and me know that's not always the case. I agree if you are fit and healthy you can achieve so much! Thanks for your lovely comment Rosie xoxo

  8. You have such an amazing and adventurous Dad Hannapat,, and be so proud of him, what achievements and a lovely tribute.

    1. Thank you Irene, I sure am because he is pretty special. Thank you for your lovely comment xoxo

  9. Your father, Hannapat, is an inspiration to us all! What a wonderful man ;-)

    1. Thanks you, yes he most certainly is! xoxo

  10. What a great achievement - baie geluk aan jou Pa! And what a lovely post - I bet hy is net so trots op jou as wat jy is op hom. How blessed you both are. Liefde & drukkies,

    1. Thanks Gills, ja ek is sommer baie trots! xoxo

  11. Wowee! Your dad is AWESOME! What a super role model, I can't imagine how much your kids look up to him, he must be the coolest grandad ever! Terrific post, he is a lucky guy! Chrissie x

    1. Yip he sure is Chrissie. I wish the kids were a bit closer as they are still young, but one day they will appreciate it and hopefully it will inspire them then! xo

  12. He sounds lovely. You have every reason to be proud of him!

  13. Aww, such a sweet post and your Pa seems like a wonderful and inspiring man! Such a blessing! xo Heather
